Dear Family,
Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them’ (Rev. 21:3). Brothers and sisters, God is always faithful. Now, He is rewarding our parish’s fidelity to Him by fulfilling His promise to make His dwelling among us. He has built up our community over the past five years and now we have the opportunity to build a permanent home for Him that will last for generations to come! I invite you to be a part of this extraordinary moment when we build a church that will radiate the beauty of our Catholic faith to the local community and provide a space for all to come and meet God and be transformed by His grace.
The information included in this brochure shares the plans for building a beautiful church and campus that will include many wonderful features, such as:
A 500-650 seat church space
An adoration chapel where Jesus dwelling among us can be encountered and adored at any time
A parish hall where hundreds of people can gather and celebrate special moments
Meeting spaces where groups can meet in order to grow in faith together
Offices for parish staff -
Storage for goods to provide for our neighbor’s-in-need in our local community
A space for a future priest rectory on the campus
Answers to many questions about the project are included on this website. You will find information to help you discern your support of our capital campaign and at what level. The Suggested Gift Chart shows pledges ranging from $5,000-$100,000 payable over five years. Please give prayerful consideration of your pledge during the next few days and join with me in praying for the success of our campaign.
You are already a founding member of this parish and responsible for its growth. I cannot express my thanks for all you have done and for you taking the time to review the contents of this webpage and for praying about how you can contribute to this capital campaign to make a place where God can dwell among us and transform lives for generations to come and unto eternity (ct. Rev 21:3 and Lev 26:11)!
Grace and Peace,
Fr. Jason
Pastor, St. Gianna Beretta Molla Catholic Parish